Vademecum (Or the Unbearable Compilation of Rules and Regulations to Survive as a Visual Artist)

Installation composed of an artist book and a video. The book, in hardcover, golden letters and over 1,000 pages, compiles almost 500 calls for artists published in over 60 countries and 17 languages in 2020. Divided into chapters such as On Exhibitions, On Investigations, On Prizes, etc., the volume strips art institutions of their supposedly democratic language to return into their real nature as market agents. The video organizes the dozens of ‘Apply Now’ buttons that we came into contact with during the process. It is a deliberately simple and raw edition, with a soundtrack simulating the seductive approach that institutions use to attract artists. The counterpoint between book and video is precisely the intention of the advertising discourse - in the book, we expose this strategy to demonstrate that being an artist today is, in fact, knowing how to read laws.


Artist Book
1.056 pages, 2,20 kg 17 x 26 x 9 cm, hard cover

Video installation
16:9, color, 6’25” in loop

Funded by:
Bienalsur 2021, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)

“El Estado de las Cosas”, Museum of Contemporary Art of Rosario (MACRO), Argentina

In cooperation with Francele Cocco.

Learn more:
On Presentations︎︎︎

︎Artworks and Projects

Research and Activations︎
Networks and Collective Practices︎

