
The project is meeting with 100 people, including artists, activists, academics, policy makers, scientists, educators and community leaders from around the world, to discuss the future of open knowledge and the direction of free culture. In recent years, we have experienced the end of the internet utopia, which brought a promise of democratization of relationships, bottom-up sharing and redistribution of power. That's why we want to share the questions (and anxieties) and do an active listening exercise to design new strategies for the open movements with which we have always been involved. So far we have interviewed Peter Murray-Rust, Beatriz Busaniche, Zoë Kooyman, Balázs Bodó, Stefania Maurizi, among others.


Interview series

In cooperation with Renata Ávila.

Learn more:
Link to the index of interviews︎︎︎

︎Research and Activations

Artworks and Projects︎
Networks and Collective Practices︎

